The Mountains House displays ‘true’ alpines (highly specialised plants that have evolved to survive at high altitudes) and ‘horticultural’ alpines, such as bulbs, which have the same cultivation needs as those plants growing at altitude. Here you can enjoy a diverse colllection of alpine plants throughout the year.
The Mountains House has been designed to allow us to display permanent plantings, and also to show plants plunged in sand for temporary display, which are brought in from our nursery when at the peak of flower. No matter whether permanent or temporary, a high alpine or a low altitude bulb, all of the plants here require good drainage, protection from excessive moisture, and good air circulation.
A wide range of plants is displayed here, including the demanding high altitude Petunia patagonica from South America, and the Asian cushion-forming Dionysia tapetodes. Bulbous plants are well represented in the collection, such as the charming Cyclamen cilicium and Haemanthus albiflos. The Mountains House is also home to our National Collections of Fritillaria, Tulipa and Saxifraga, which are all displayed here when in flower.