The staff is headed by the Director, Professor Beverley Glover who is assisted by six heads of department and their teams.
About half of the staff are directly concerned with horticulture and the care of the plant collections displayed across the 40 acres of this outstanding heritage-listed Garden. The other positions cover science, education, development, visitor services and administration. Each year, seven trainees join the staff to complete the Certificate of Practical Horticulture and Plantsmanship.
Professor Beverley Glover, Director

As Director, Beverley has overall responsibility for strategy and leadership in the Garden. This includes developing the Garden’s relationship with other parts of the University, the wider research community, other educational establishments, and the general public. Beverley is particularly focused on achieving a balance in meeting the Garden’s main objectives – which are research, teaching, outreach, and the provision of an amenity for the citizens of and visitors to Cambridge.
Beverley also co-manages, together with Professor Ottoline Leyser, Director of the Sainsbury Laboratory, the Gatsby Plant Science Education Programme, an initiative of the Gatsby Charitable Trust.
Click here to read more about Professor Beverley Glover or follow her on twitter: @Beverley_CUBG
Professor Sam Brockington, Curator

As Curator of the Garden, Sam has responsibility for managing the collections. These include the living collections, which comprise over 8,000 species, and the Cory Library, which is home to the Garden’s printed collections, including fine antiquarian volumes and early manuscripts. Sam’s key areas of responsibility include planning the future direction of the collections, overseeing the sourcing and documentation of new and diverse species, and promoting the use of the collections for research and teaching.
Click here to read more about Sam. Follow Sam on twitter: @CUBG_curators
Sally Petitt, Head of Horticulture

Sally began her career at the Garden as a horticultural trainee and is now the Head of Horticulture. She supervises a team of 17 permanent horticultural staff across the Garden’s eight horticultural sections, and seven trainees. She also oversees the accredited trainee programme, the Cambridge Certificate in Practical Horticulture and Plantsmanship. Follow Sally on twitter:@Sally_Petitt
Nicci Steele-Williams, Head of Visitor Services

Nicci leads a team of around 25 permanent, seasonal and occasional staff in providing our visitors with excellent front of house service and the best experience possible when visiting the Garden. The team welcome all and handle admissions and membership sales at the ticket offices and for events. They supervise visitor facilities and patrol the Garden to ensure the safety and security of our visitors and the collections. They also help set up for events and activities.
The team is assisted with patrolling by three volunteer VS Stewards.
Please say hello at any time in the Garden, and let us know if we can help you enjoy your visit. Our VS assistants wear burgundy and our Stewards, royal blue.
Wendy Godfrey, Departmental Administrator

Learning Department

The Learning Team comprises:
Holly Clothier – Head of Learning
Sally Lee – Learning Officer
Louise Campbell – Community Learning Coordinator
Bronwen Richards – Schools Learning Officer
Hannah Elkington – Schools Learning Officer
Bee Carter – Schools Learning Officer
Raphaella Hull – Higher Education and Interpretation Coordinator
Anna Patterson Lee, Head of Development and Communications

Anna looks after the Garden’s communications with the public and visitors as well as developing projects with current and future funders.
The Communications team has a broad remit from marketing our varied events to dealing with the press and talking about latest research to come from the Garden as well as running the Garden’s social media pages.
The Communications Team comprises:
Helen Needham – Communications Co-ordinator
Katy Lawrence – Communications Assistant
We are also assisted by two fantastic volunteers.
Please visit our Instagram, Facebook or Twitter pages to find out what’s going on in the Garden.
To find out more about fundraising and ways to support the Garden, please visit our ‘Support Us‘ pages, or contact Anna on 01223 336265 or by email at
Rachel Agnew, Finance Manager

Rachel is the Finance Manager for the Garden and has worked throughout the University for many years. She is responsible for all financial operations to include internal and external reporting, financial analysis, forecasting, budget preparation and management of all activity within the Finance Office.
The Finance Team’s remit is diverse – managing a combination of funding (University Support, Trusts, Trade, Donations) from within an educational/charitable setting, but with a strong emphasis on income generation needed to support the Garden’s operations and objectives.
The Finance Team comprises:
Danielle Martin – Finance Coordinator
Elaine Dalton – Finance Administrator Accounts Payable and Payroll
Mark Devlin – Finance Administrator Accounts Receivable.
Carl Tatterton, Head of Estates and Operations Manager

Carl Tatterton, Head of Estates and Operations Manager, works to manage and maintain the Garden Estate, in terms of safety, sustainability and security. He works alongside Phil Starling, Estates Manager, and together they keep the Garden running smoothly and safely.