This unusual plant is displaying tropical-looking flowers on the Systematic Beds.
The genus Malvaceae (mallow family) contains approximately 225 genera of herbs, shrubs and trees, including native mallows and lime trees. Members of the genus display leaves arranged in spirals, and fused, five-petalled flowers. The genus Abelmoschus comprises 15 species of Asian annuals and perennials with large lobed, toothed leaves, and flowers held either individually in leaf axils, or in terminal racemes. A. manihot is a native of temperate and tropical Asia, where it grows in grassland, streamsides and disturbed sites. It is a perennial species reaching 2m in height, but here we treat it as a tender perennial or as an annual. The flowers are attractive to butterflies, and the edible leaves can be boiled, and add a gelatinous texture to dishes.