Welcome from the Director

In the early summer the Garden is looking its best and we look forward to welcoming hundreds of visitors to one of our most popular events, the Festival of Plants.
Sadly we have had to close to visitors this spring. We very much look forward to welcoming you back into the Garden when we can, but in the meantime, we thought that it was worth trying to hold the Festival in a different form, so, welcome to the first ever virtual Festival of Plants.
This is the first time that we have ever held an event like this and we hope that it works and that you enjoy it!
The Festival will take place over 3 days, each with a theme – Plant Science, Horticulture and Conservation. On each of those 3 days there will be talks, tours and family activities for you to explore at your leisure, plus a live event that you will be able to take part in.
Please visit the Festival Programme for further information.
If you would like to talk about the Festival, or send us a message on social media, please use the hashtag #FoP20
Thank you for visiting the virtual Festival of Plants, I really hope that you enjoy your time here.
Best wishes,
Professor Beverley Glover