Dr Julia Mackenzie, Anglia Ruskin University - pre-recorded talk
Science on Sundays is a programme of free, informal, monthly science talks, bringing the latest discoveries in plant science, as well as research linked to the plant collection at CUBG, to our visitors in a 30 minute nutshell.
This talk has been recorded and can be viewed here.
The breeding success of blue tits and great tits has been studied for over 15 years in the Cambridge University Botanic Garden by scientists from Anglia Ruskin University. The Garden, being full of trees and plants appears to be a great place to raise a brood of chicks, but all is not as it seems. The parent birds often struggle to find the caterpillar food needed by their nestlings, lay fewer eggs and have fewer young fledge the nest when compared to their woodland counterparts.
Find out all about the trials and tribulations of raising a brood in the Botanic Garden.
Science on Sundays
A programme of free, informal, monthly science talks bringing the latest discoveries in plant science, as well as research linked to the plant collection at CUBG to our visitors in a 30 minute nutshell.
A recording of this talk will be available on our website from 8 Aug.
Please check the website and social media for updates.
Suitable for adults and children aged 12+
Talks run monthly March to August
Further talks:
14 March – Prof David Coomes, Department of Plant Sciences – Planting trees to save the planet: greenwashing or golden opportunity?
11 April- Dr Johannes Kromdijk, Department of Plant Sciences – How has evolution fine-tuned the C4 photosynthetic turbo-charger?
9 May – Dr Chris Whitewoods, Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge – From simple beginnings—understanding the origin of carnivorous plant traps
13 June – Dr Alejandra Guerrero, Department of Plant Sciences – Using Biotechnology to obtain plant pigments without plants