Sponsoring a tree in the Botanic Garden is a lovely way to mark a special person or occasion.
We know that lots of people care deeply for the Garden and we’re delighted to open this new programme to help it become even more special to you.
Your donation will support the essential work of the Garden – from horticulture and plant science to education and outreach.
We have an amazing array of trees in the Botanic Garden, from well known favourites to rare and endangered trees that we are helping to conserve for future generations. You can choose which tree you would like to sponsor from the list below (if your favourite tree isn’t on the list, please do get in touch and we will see if it is available).
Each tree has 1 exclusive sponsor and sponsors’ names are included on the tree label, with space for a personalised message.
When you sponsor a tree, you will receive a certificate with details of your chosen tree and your sponsorship will be listed here on the website and in our Book of Benefactors.
Sponsorship of a tree costs £600 for a period of 5 years. If you would like to discuss sponsoring a tree for a longer period of time, please do get in touch.
For more details, and to apply to sponsor a tree, please download the form below.